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Evangelism Ministry

Welcome Visitors Team

You are invited to volunteer for specific ways to welcome visitors and newcomers on Sunday Mornings to help be the friendly, welcoming church we want to be to all who find us. For more information talk to Sandy Gabel (at the Welcome Table in March) or contact via the church directory.


Welcome Table Greeters:

Prior to Sunday morning worship, sit at the Welcome Table to greet guests, give out welcome brochures/visitor cards, take signups for name tags. You can pick one Sunday or pick a whole month to volunteer. You will need to arrive by 8:30 a.m. Contact Sandy Gabel


Written Communications:

Join Judy Turnen to write personal notes and send cards and special greetings especially at Lent and Advent to our CELC family. Contact Judy Turnen to volunteer.


Parking Lot Greeters:

While weather stays good (not too hot, too cold, or too windy!) be an outside greeter. You can perhaps spot newcomers and visitors as they arrive, and offer help. Pick a Sunday, with special needs for Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday and other holy holiday events. Contact Sandy Gabel to volunteer.


Official Greeters/Ushers:

Needed every Sunday and for special Lent/Advent season events. You will be given guidelines. Contact Carol Moonan to volunteer.

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