Worship Service Sundays 9:00am
Building B Sanctuary
Sewer Project Update
(watch this space for updates)
January 9, 2024 update: WORK COMPLETE!! From January 3-6, a handyman worked to close the open walls and cover the untiled floor areas in Building A. The office bathroom floor received matching tile. Part of the utility room received ceramic tile. The IT/AV room and the sanctuary bathroom received all new ceramic tile. Plasterboard closed the holes in our walls. Then semi-gloss paint was applied. On January 9, the plumber returned all fixtures to their original location. They found that our hot water heater was rusted through the bottom and leaking water when they reconnected it. A new hot water heater replaced it and brought Building A back to full functionality. Hallelujah! The 2022-2024 sewer project is complete. Thank you all for your patience, your support, and your cooperation.
December 29 update: On December 23, the plumbers covered the outdoor plumbing areas they had excavated after filling the septic tank with gravel. The pipes under the concrete slab foundation were replaced, and on December 28, the inside floor concrete was poured in the office bathroom, the sanctuary bathroom, and the utility room. A handyman was hired to complete the floors with tiles similar to our existing. He will then repair the plasterboard walls. This is scheduled for January 3-5. The walls will receive semi-gloss paint, and after drying, the plumbers will reinstall the fixtures and appliances that were disconnected. A new plastic sink will be installed in the utility room. The project should be completed by January 8.
December 22 update: The sewer project restarted on December 15. The plumbers replaced Building A's aging, outdoor pipes with new, more durable pipes and reconnected them to the city’s Litchfield Road sewer main. They also found corroding, weakened, and crumbling pipes under the building. So, we had them continue their trenchless digging methods in order to replace the pipes under the building. This helped us not only avoid jackhammering through the floor inside for the full length of the pipes, but their methods also helped to preserve our outdoor walkways. Office work was largely unaffected. During this time, we rented two porta-potties.
Today, December 22, the plumbers covered the outdoor courtyard trenches. They continue to work inside the IT room next to the sanctuary bathroom, the office bathroom, and the utility room. Fixtures have been removed. Small wall and floor areas have been opened and new sewer pipes lead into each area. During the Christmas weekend the plumbers are on a break. Afterwards, they plan to finish their work within the week. Then we will continue with replacing concrete in the floor, repairing the walls and floors, and when the plumbers put all the fixtures back in place, we will be back to normal. In the meantime, stay in the safe areas.
December 13th Update: The Sewer Repair project is starting immediately on Wednesday, December 13. We anticipate the construction is going to take 1-2 weeks. During the construction, access to building A will be limited. This means that activities scheduled for Building A will likely have to be relocated to Building B. We are working to coordinate the movement of the affected activities. Questions can be directed to office@christgoodyear.org, Su Erickson at council@christgoodyear.org , or Pastor Jeff at jeff@christgoodyear.org.
December 10th Special Meeting: The Special Congregational Meeting held on Sunday, December 10, voted unanimously to authorize the Council to pay for the sewer project. Why did this require calling a special meeting? According to our constitution, "the Congregation Council...may incur obligations of more than $25,000 in excess of the anticipated receipts only after approval by Congregation meeting". The buttons below will take you to a copy of the slides that Ann Bruce presented at the meeting and some background information from Randy Heibel.